
  our pets
  hamm westfalia
  kung fu
  world of stars

  native scots

  scotland -
  wild and free


    Soey, Bandit, Harris, Iona, Tarja and Early share their lifes with us.

    Unser Club der Haustiere fast auf einem Blick.


    Shortly we completed our Dream-Team with Iona und Harris








    Bandit is our Bernese Mountain Dog. He is the clown of our family.
    He has got an infinite number of new ideas...

    Bandit, unser Berner Sennenhund, ist mit unglaublicher Kreativität
    unser Famillienclown.











    Have a Break













    Tarja is a Main-Coon. As mentioned in many
    descriptions she is like a dog. She is very huge, talks
with her
    humans and follows them wherever they go. Smart and curious

   she explores her area and is always looking for prey.

    Wie ein Hund rennt Tarja, unsere Maine-Coon-Katze uns hinterher.
    Riesig groß unterhält Sie sich mit uns und sucht neugierig stets nach
    neuer Beute.

    Soey is a Main-Coon, too. She is our Lady Cat.
    Soey, unsere Dame.


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  radio-club oberhausen L18
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